Friday, March 27, 2009

Further Flooding Update

Thanks goes out to Sal who fowarded me an update on Katie (Forbes) and Phil Reindle (Katie went to Morris) as they fight to keep the water out of their home. A group of folks from MCC went up to help and below is the email that went out to MCC with some photos.

Dear Church Family - A group of MCC folks headed up to Moorhead yesterday to help Phil and Katie Reindl with a floodwhich is now endangering their home! Phil's side of the street by the river is being diked offwith a contingency dike so his "fate was sealed". Neighbors of his apparently have abandoned efforts to dike any further out back now that flood levels are predicted to be 42 feet at the creston Saturday and stay there for 3-7 days (most dikes were setup for a flood of 40 feet). Anyway - see attached photos, these were the guys helping to build a 4 foot wall around theReindel home (it was a real site to see Katie, 8 months pregnant, holding son Ivan lookingout at the relief effort through their front window!). So far their house is dry!!! Pat and crew worked from 5:30pm until 11:30pm yesterday and then crashed at John's apt. for the night. Neil worked with Phil and others late late to setup pumps behind the tallest part of wall which butts up against the river behind their home.

If you would like to know more about how Morris Community Church is helping out our friends in Fargo/Moorhead, please get in touch with Sal....

Salvador Monteagudo
(320) 585-5573

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